'''Goal:''' Export a series of images from FreeView and stitch them together to create a GIF. 1. Open up any surface from the tutorial data 1. Set the viewport to 3d view, right click in the viewport and select {{{ Hide All Slices }}} 1. In the {{{ File }}} menu, select {{{ Save Movie Frames }}} 1. Set up the options as in the following picture - you will likely want to create a new directory in your home directory to save the output to. {{attachment:MovieSetup.png||width="600"}} 1. In a terminal, navigate to the new directory you output the movie data to. 1. Run this command: {{{ convert -delay .1 *.png brainanim.gif }}} * Note: convert is from the ImageMagick library, which is a prerequesite for running FreeView. * {{{ -delay }}} determines the gap between frames, {{{ *.png }}} selects all png files in the working directory, {{{ brainanim.gif }}} is the output name. 1. To view your GIF, open it with firefox {{{ firefox brainanim.gif }}} {{attachment:brainanim.gif||width="300"}}