== Bug List from Stable 5.0.0 == Note: These bugs are found while running the Buckner40 data set.<
> ''see also: Buckner40Notes'' ||Bug ||Example ||Fixed? || ||There's a difference between the orig surf and white surf after wm edits<
> --usually the orig surf is better || || || ||White surf does weird indentations even when wm voxels are present (white matter damage?)<
> --again orig surf is better here || || || ||Surfaces between temporal lobe and the cerebral cortex are usually crazy (random wm voxels) || || || ||Still some problems with calcarine area - aseg is correct yet the surfaces aren't ||073_dev || || ||Pial surf isn't correct at midline<
> (not incorrect but not pretty to look at) ||073_dev || || ||Sometimes the dura is taken as wm and white surf is pulled outward, after deleting the dura from wm.mgz, the white surf still doesn't adjust - the orig surf, however, does. ||092 at 174 131 143, 097 at 117 147 153, 102 at 114 122 162 || || ||When I click on the snapshot button, I can save a snapshot as either tiff<
>or rgb. When I right or left click on the snapshot button I can only save rgb. If I<
>try to save a .tif in the rgb window, tkmedit crashes with this error:<
>*** glibc detected *** tkmedit.bin: free(): invalid next size (normal):<
>0x000000002370d610 ***<
>======= Backtrace: =========<
> || || || ||Watershed method to correct skull strip errors - there seems to be no in between for fine tuning the amount of brain I want present. There's either part of the brain missing (skull strip failure) or the entire skull is present. ||Tried with buckner 145_wstest || || *Examples are found here<
> /autofs/cluster/freesurfer/test/subjects/x86_64/buckner_data/group_study_fs5.0.0_from_scratch == Feature Requests == ||Requests ||Notes/Granted? || ||Quit prompt when pressing Ctrl-q when view window is highlighted in tkmedit. || || ||Have a tool that can highlight and add wm voxels at the same time? || ||