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WikiCourse/16 Wiki internal links . . . 9 matches
... internal linking to other wiki pages, therefore it is quite simple. == WikiNames ("CamelCase") == If you !WriteWordsTogether like !FistnameLastname or CamelCase or MoinMoin, so ...

1.7k - rev: 1 (current) last modified: 0

HelpOnGraphicalEditor . . . 5 matches
...ted formatting is translated to wiki markup it will either break or be ignored. == CamelCase == In the wiki markup !CamelCase words (at least two word with one capital letter a...

2.8k - rev: 1 (current) last modified: 0

StyleGuidelines . . . 3 matches''': Calculate``ROI``Statistics <<BR>> Words containing acronyms are actually not CamelCase. * However, acronyms alone should be capitalized. For example, '''Right''': ROI...

2.9k - rev: 15 (current) last modified: 2008-04-29 11:46:06

WikiUserName . . . 1 match
...e is Jane Smith, your WikiUserName is !JaneSmith. This is called bicapitalization or CamelCase. If you've been assigned a WikiUserName by a member of the FreeSurferWiki administ...

1.0k - rev: 8 (current) last modified: 2008-04-29 11:46:04

HelpOnEditing . . . 1 match
... of the page, or the Edit``Text link at the bottom of the page. * Words written in CamelCase will automatically be converted into a link. * More details are available in HelpF...

1.5k - rev: 4 (current) last modified: 2008-04-29 11:45:04