
Mailing lists and helplines which provide user support for FreeSurfer. Please read the instructions in BugReporting before you email a support line.

FreeSurfer mailing listBR This is the main general support and questions list for FreeSurfer. Please use this list if you have questions about the capabilities of FreeSurfer or would like to know how to do something specific. This list is also appropriate for installation questions for distributions available from our website. Emails to this list will be read by the general FreeSurfer user community and by the developers. BR Send mail to the list at MailTo(freesurfer AT nmr DOT mgh DOT harvard DOT edu)BR [ Old archive]BR [ New archive]BR [ Subscribe] BR BR martinos-tech Yahoo! groupBR Please use this list if you are a NMR or Martinos Center user and have general questions about software available to the Center. This list is appropriate for questions about unpacking data or other data processing issues, and for general policy questions. Emails to this list will be read by other NMR and Martinos Center users, as well as the FreeSurfer developers.BR Send mail to the list at MailTo(martinos DASH tech AT yahoogroups DOT com)BR [ Archive]BR [ Subscribe]BR BR analysis-bugs helplineBR Please use this list if you are instructed to by error messages from the software. Also use this list if you are an NMR Center user and have questions about NMR-specific issues, such as file system problems, or differences between dev and stable versions. Emails to this list will be read by FreeSurfer developers only.BR Send mail to the list at MailTo(analysis DASH bugs AT nmr DOT mgh DOT harvard DOT edu)BR [ Archive]BR [ Subscribe]BR BR FreeSurfer tutorialsBR On the last Tuesday of every month a tutorial will be given to interested individuals (limited to 15 per session). This will include an overview of the surface reconstruction and subcortical segmentation streams only. To participate please email Jenni Pacheco at MailTo(jpacheco AT nmr DOT mgh DOT harvard DOT edu) the month before you wish to attend.

FreeSurfer Dependencies

Mailing lists and helplines for tools and libraries which are FreeSurfer components.

[ The BIC Brain Imaging Software Toolbox (MNI)]BR MailTo(minc DASH users AT bic DOT mni DOT mcgill DOT ca) BR [ archive]BR [ subscribe] BR

[ FMRIB Software Library (FSL)] BR MailTo(fsl AT jiscmail DOT ac DOT uk) BR [ archive]BR [ subscribe]