#pragma section-numbers 1
Longitudinal Edits
* This page describes how edits are done in the longitudinal stream of FreeSurfer versions 5.1 and up.
* If you use this software for your study, please cite our papers (see [[FreeSurferMethodsCitation]] )! Specifically Reuter et al. !NeuroImage 2012 describing the longitudinal pipeline should be cited.
* Please read the general description of edits first: [[Edits]].
* Also make sure you understand the Longitudinal Stream: [[LongitudinalProcessing]].
* You can also take a look at the [[FsTutorial/LongitudinalTutorial|Longitudinal Tutorial]] that also describes edits.
Generally, '''edit stuff as early in the stream as possible'''. That means first edit the cross sectional runs, rerun from that point to complete the cross sectional run, recreate the base (from scratch, i.e. remove or rename that directory). Check and edit the base, reprocess the base from that point, finally recreate the longitudinal from scratch (removing or renaming the directory if it existed) with the new base. Optimally there should be no editing necessary in the long runs, but it is recommended to check them. For exceptions and special treatment in specific cases see the detailed description below. Note, if you rerun a base or longitudinal from the start, make sure you '''delete or rename''' any existing directories to assert that edits are correctly copied over.
Since the surfaces in the long are initialized with surfaces from the base, it is '''important to edit and fix surfaces in the base'''! Instead of doing everything the nice and clean way (editing as early as possible), you probably get away with just editing the base in many cases.
After editing the base, you need to rerun the base before running the longitudinals (again). When you re-run a base (template) or long run, even partially, you still '''need to pass -base or -long flags''' with the required arguments in addition to the desired parameters (e.g. -autorecon2 -autorecon3). For example:
recon-all -base -tp -tp ... -autorecon2 -autorecon3
(here replace '...' with more time point flags, if you have them). Then for all time points you run the longitudinals as usual:
recon-all -long -all
Also note, you '''cannot rename''' any of the time points (cross or long) and rerun during this process. Renaming is only possible if you are recreating the base AND all longitudinal runs from scratch. Instead of renaming, when editing you might want to first '''create a backup copy''' of the existing directory for comparison and to have the option to go back to the earlier results later.
If you just want to quality check results, you would start in the reverse order. First QC the longitudinal runs, if they are fine, there is no need to look at the base or cross results. If you find problems, go up a step to see if these problems exist in the base or cross runs already.
So the rule is:
QC from back to front (long -> base -> cross), once you find where problems occur, edit from front to back (cross -> base -> long).
== Cheat Sheet ==
1. Surfaces in Long are initialized from surfaces in Base (need to be accurate in base)
1. Edits get usually automatically transferred from Cross to Long (within the time point)
1. It should rarely be necessary to edit the Long
1. control points: optional flag -uselongbasectrlvol copies control points from base to long (if only little longitudinal change is expected)
1. brainmask.mgz: shortcut might be to edit only the base
|| '''Edits''' || '''Cross'''|| '''Base'''|| '''Long'''||