Parent: MorphoOptimizationProject

This is detected by a difference either in the stdout lines or the created files. The problem is to find when the change first happened.

Start by uncommenting this #define in the romp_support.h, to enable the printing out of parallel for loop information

Also enable tracing at the start of utils/romp_support.c

Rebuild. Now when you run, you will get stdout lines that show when the parallel loops have executed, and you will see at the end all the loops that have executed.

Now add fprint's close to where those parallel loops are, to show what their inputs and output's are. To show a MRIS, simply print its hash using mris_print_hash. If the mris has the same state, its hash will be the same. It is highly unlikely that two different ones will have the same hash.

Now diff'ing the outputs should enable you to zoom into where the two runs differ.