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> Parent: See [[MorphoOptimizationProject_improvingParallelism]] for an example of using it. This page contains more specific details and more sophisticated uses. === Setting PATH etc. === {{{ source /opt/intel/parallel_studio_xe_2019/bin/psxevars.sh }}} === Gathering high resolution data === Obviously the more samples per second are gathered, the larger the data files are going to be. So the solution is to control the start time, the duration, and the resolution to see the interval needed at the resolution needed. The VTune collection command has three command switches to do this 1. --resume-after 14.9 1. --duration 15 1. -knob sampling-interval=0.1 The ''resume-after'' is measured in seconds, commencing when the start or attach is done. It can be a decimal number such as ''4.5''. The ''duration'' is the end time, also measured in seconds, and commencing at the same place as the ''resume-after''. Currently it must be an integer. The ''sampling-interval'' is measured in milliseconds and can be a decimal number. Collections at ''0.1'' ms are possible. === Gathering high resolution data with a high resume-after === I have reported a bug to Intel because some data is gathered starting with the start or attach. This bug means the following method needs to be employed to gather high resolution data more than a few seconds into the execution. On one terminal start the application and then pause it when it reaches the interesting point. Sadly this will require either watching the output or adding some kind of stalling mechanism to the code. {{{ ../mris_fix_topology -mgz -sphere qsphere.nofix -ga -seed 1234 bert lh ^Z }}} On another terminal, enter the collection command with the ''-target'' switch, but do not press ENTER yet {{{ amplxe-cl -collect advanced-hotspots \ -knob collection-detail=stack-sampling -knob analyze-openmp=true \ -knob enable-characterization-insights=false \ -data-limit=5000 -finalization-mode=full \ --duration 1 -knob sampling-interval=0.1 \ -target-process=mris_fix_topology }}} Once the command is ready, resume the application in the first terminal {{{ fg }}} and immediately press ''ENTER'' in the second terminal to attach the collector to it and gather the data