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--glmdir dir

save outputs to dir

--y inputfile

--fsgd FSGDF <gd2mtx>

freesurfer descriptor file

--X design matrix file

--C contrast1.mat <--C contrast2.mat ...>


construct X and C as a one-sample group mean


do not fail if no contrasts specified

--pvr pvr1 <--prv pvr2 ...>

per-voxel regressors

--selfreg col row slice

self-regressor from index col row slice

--wls yffxvar

weighted least squares

--yffxvar yffxvar

for fixed effects analysis

--ffxdof DOF

dof for fixed effects analysis

--ffxdofdat ffxdof.dat

text file with dof for fixed effects analysis

--w weightfile

weight for each input at each voxel


invert weights


sqrt of (inverted) weights

--fwhm fwhm

smooth input by fwhm

--var-fwhm fwhm

smooth variance by fwhm


do not mask when smoothing


turn off FWHM output estimation

--mask maskfile

binary mask

--label labelfile

use label as mask, surfaces only


do not use a mask (same as --no-cortex)


do not use subjects ?h.cortex.label as --label


invert mask


remove voxels that do not have a non-zero value at each frame


do not prune


compute natural log of y prior to analysis


compute natural log of y prior to analysis


save signal estimate (yhat)


save residual error (eres)

--y-out y.out.mgh

save input after preprocessing


do not compute partial correlation coefficient

--surf subject hemi

needed for some flags (uses white by default)

--sim nulltype nsim thresh csdbasename

simulation perm, mc-full, mc-z

--sim-sign signstring

abs, pos, or neg. Default is abs.

--uniform min max

use uniform distribution instead of gaussian


compute skew and p-value for skew


compute kurtosis and p-value for kurtosis


perform pca/svd analysis on residual


compute and save temporal AR1 of residual


flag to save signal estimate


flag to save design matrix condition at each voxel

--voxdump col row slice

dump voxel GLM and exit

--seed seed

used for synthesizing noise


replace input with gaussian

--resynthtest niters

test GLM by resynthsis

--profile niters

test speed

--mrtm1 RefTac TimeSec

perform MRTM1 kinetic modeling

--mrtm2 RefTac TimeSec

perform MRTM2 kinetic modeling


force perumtation test, even when design matrix is not orthog

--diag Gdiag_no

set diagnositc level


save sig volume and exit from first sim loop


turn on debugging


don't run anything, just check options and exit


print out information on how to use this program


print out version and exit


turn off fixing of vertex area (for back comapt only)


allow subject names to repeat in the fsgd file (must appear before -fsgd)


mostly for ver special purposes


allow ill conditioned design matrices

--sim-done SimDoneFile

create DoneFile when simulation finished


Performs general linear model (GLM) analysis in the volume or the surface. Options include simulation for correction for multiple comparisons, weighted LMS, variance smoothing, PCA/SVD analysis of residuals, per-voxel design matrices, and 'self' regressors. This program performs both the estimation and inference. This program is meant to replace mris_glm (which only operated on surfaces). This program can be run in conjunction with mris_preproc.


This brief intoduction to GLM theory is provided to help the user understand what the inputs and outputs are and how to set the various parameters. These operations are performed at each voxel or vertex separately (except with --var-fwhm).

The forward model is given by:

  • y = W*X*B + n

where X is the Ns-by-Nb design matrix, y is the Ns-by-Nv input data set, B is the Nb-by-Nv regression parameters, and n is noise. Ns is the number of inputs, Nb is the number of regressors, and Nv is the number of voxels/vertices (all cols/rows/slices). y may be surface or volume data and may or may not have been spatially smoothed. W is a diagonal weighing matrix.

During the estimation stage, the forward model is inverted to solve for B:

  • B = inv(X'W'*W*X)*X'W'y

The signal estimate is computed as

  • yhat = B*X

The residual error is computed as

  • eres = y - yhat

For random effects analysis, the noise variance estimate (rvar) is computed as the sum of the squares of the residual error divided by the DOF. The DOF equals the number of rows of X minus the number of columns. For fixed effects analysis, the noise variance is estimated from the lower-level variances passed with --yffxvar, and the DOF is the sum of the DOFs from the lower level.

A contrast matrix C has J rows and as many columns as columns of X. The contrast is then computed as:

  • G = C*B

The F-ratio for the contrast is then given by:

  • F = G'*inv(C*inv(X'W'*W*X))*C')*G/(J*rvar)

The F is then used to compute a p-value. Note that when J=1, this reduces to a two-tailed t-test.


--glmdir dir

Directory where output will be saved. Not needed with --sim.

The outputs will be saved in mgh format as:

  mri_glmfit.log - execution parameters (send with bug reports)
  beta.mgh - all regression coefficients (B above)
  eres.mgh - residual error
  rvar.mgh - residual error variance
  rstd.mgh - residual error stddev (just sqrt of rvar)
  y.fsgd - fsgd file (if one was input)
  wn.mgh - normalized weights (with --w)
  yhat.mgh - signal estimate (with --save-yhat)
  mask.mgh - final mask (when a mask is used)
  cond.mgh - design matrix condition at each voxel (with --save-cond)
  contrast1name/ - directory for each contrast (see --C)
    C.dat - copy of contrast matrix
    gamma.mgh - contrast (G above)
    F.mgh - F-ratio
    sig.mgh - significance from F-test (actually -log10(p))

--y inputfile

Path to input file with each frame being a separate input. This can be volume or surface-based, but the file must be one of the 'volume' formats (eg, mgh, img, nii, etc) accepted by mri_convert. See mris_preproc for an easy way to generate this file for surface data.

--fsgd fname <gd2mtx>

Specify the global design matrix with a FreeSurfer Group Descriptor File (FSGDF). See http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/docs/fsgdf.txt for more info. The gd2mtx is the method by which the group description is converted into a design matrix. Legal values are doss (Different Offset, Same Slope) and dods (Different Offset, Different Slope). doss will create a design matrix in which each class has it's own offset but forces all classes to have the same slope. dods models each class with it's own offset and slope. In either case, you'll need to know the order of the regressors in order to correctly specify the contrast vector. For doss, the first NClass columns refer to the offset for each class. The remaining columns are for the continuous variables. In dods, the first NClass columns again refer to the offset for each class. However, there will be NClass*NVar more columns (ie, one column for each variable for each class). The first NClass columns are for the first variable, etc. If neither of these models works for you, you will have to specify the design matrix manually (with --X).

--X design matrix file

Specify the design matrix in matlab4 format. Within matlab, you can save a matrix with save('X.mat','X','-v4');

--C contrast1.mat <--C contrast2.mat ...>

Specify one or more contrasts to test. The contrast.mat file is an ASCII text file with the contrast matrix in it (make sure the last line is blank). The output will be saved in glmdir/contrast1, glmdir/contrast2, etc. Eg, if --C norm-v-cont.mat, then the ouput will be glmdir/norm-v-cont.


Construct X and C as a one-sample group mean. X is then a one-column matrix filled with all 1s, and C is a 1-by-1 matrix with value 1. You cannot specify both --X and --osgm. A contrast cannot be specified either. The contrast name will be osgm.

--pvr pvr1 <--prv pvr2 ...>

Per-voxel (or vertex) regressors (PVR). Normally, the design matrix is 'global', ie, the same matrix is used at each voxel. This option allows the user to specify voxel-specific regressors to append to the design matrix. Note: the contrast matrices must include columns for these components.

--selfreg col row slice

Create a 'self-regressor' from the input data based on the waveform at index col row slice. This waveform is residualized and then added as a column to the design matrix. Note: the contrast matrices must include columns for this component.

--w weightfile --w-inv --w-sqrt

Perform weighted LMS using per-voxel weights from the weightfile. The data in weightfile must have the same dimensions as the input y file. If --w-inv is flagged, then the inverse of each weight is used as the weight. If --w-sqrt is flagged, then the square root of each weight is used as the weight. If both are flagged, the inverse is done first. The final weights are normalized so that the sum at each voxel equals 1. The normalized weights are then saved in glmdir/wn.mgh. The --w-inv and --w-sqrt flags are useful when passing contrast variances from a lower level analysis to a higher level analysis (as is often done in fMRI).

--fwhm fwhm

Smooth input with a Gaussian kernel with the given full-width/half-maximum (fwhm) specified in mm. If the data are surface-based, then you must specify --surf, otherwise mri_glmfit assumes that the input is a volume and will perform volume smoothing.

--var-fwhm fwhm

Smooth residual variance map with a Gaussian kernel with the given full-width/half-maximum (fwhm) specified in mm. If the data are surface-based, then you must specify --surf, otherwise mri_glmfit assumes that the input is a volume and will perform volume smoothing.

--mask maskfile --label labelfile --mask-inv

Only perform analysis where mask=1. All other voxels will be set to 0. If using surface, then labelfile will be converted to a binary mask (requires --surf). If --mask-inv is flagged, then performs analysis only where mask=0. If performing a simulation (--sim), map maximums and clusters will only be searched for in the mask. The final binary mask will automatically be saved in glmdir/mask.mgh


Remove voxels from the analysis if the ALL the frames at that voxel do not have an absolute value that exceeds zero (actually FLT_MIN). This helps to prevent the situation where some frames are 0 and others are not. If no mask is supplied, a mask is created and saved. If a mask is supplied, it is pruned, and the final mask is saved. Do not use with --sim. Rather, run the non-sim analysis with --prune, then pass the created mask when running simulation. It is generally a good idea to prune (though the default is not to). --no-prune will turn off pruning if it had been turned on.

--surf subject hemi

Specify that the input has a surface geometry from the hemisphere of the given FreeSurfer subject. This is necessary for smoothing surface data (--fwhm or --var-fwhm), specifying a label as a mask (--label), or running a simulation (--sim) on surface data. If --surf is not specified, then mri_glmfit will assume that the data are volume-based and use the geometry as specified in the header to make spatial calculations.


Flag to perform PCA/SVD analysis on the residual. The result is stored in glmdir/pca-eres as v.mgh (spatial eigenvectors), u.mat (frame eigenvectors), sdiag.mat (singular values). eres = u*s*v'. The matfiles are just ASCII text. The spatial EVs can be loaded as overlays in tkmedit or tksurfer. In addition, there is stats.dat with 5 columns:

  • (1) component number (2) variance spanned by that component (3) cumulative variance spanned up to that component (4) percent variance spanned by that component (5) cumulative percent variance spanned up to that component


Flag to save the signal estimate (yhat) as glmdir/yhat.mgh. Normally, this pis not very useful except for debugging.


Flag to save the condition number of the design matrix at eaach voxel. Normally, this is not very useful except for debugging. It is totally useless if not using weights or PVRs.

--seed seed

Use seed as the seed for the random number generator. By default, mri_glmfit will select a seed based on time-of-day. This only has an effect with --sim or --synth.


Replace input data with whise gaussian noise. This is good for testing.

--voxdump col row slice

Save GLM data for a single voxel in directory glmdir/voxdump-col-row-slice. Exits immediately. Good for debugging.


One method for correcting for multiple comparisons is to perform simulations under the null hypothesis and see how often the value of a statistic from the 'true' analysis is exceeded. This frequency is then interpreted as a p-value which has been corrected for multiple comparisons. This is especially useful with surface-based data as traditional random field theory is harder to implement. This simulator is roughly based on FSLs permuation simulator (randomise) and AFNIs null-z simulator (AlphaSim). Note that FreeSurfer also offers False Discovery Rate (FDR) correction in tkmedit and tksurfer.

The estimation, simulation, and correction are done in three distinct phases:

  1. Estimation: run the analysis on your data without simulation.
    • At this point you can view your results (see if FDR is sufficient:).
  2. Simulation: run the simulator with the same parameters
    • as the estimation to get the Cluster Simulation Data (CSD).
  3. Clustering: run mri_surfcluster or mri_volcluster with the CSD
    • from the simulator and the output of the estimation. These programs will print out clusters along with their p-values.

The Estimation step is described in detail above. The simulation is invoked by calling mri_glmfit with the following arguments:

--sim nulltype nsim thresh csdbasename --sim-sign sign

It is not necessary to specify --glmdir (it will be ignored). If you are analyzing surface data, then include --surf.

nulltype is the method of generating the null data. Legal values are:

  • (1) perm - perumation, randomly permute rows of X (cf FSL randomise) (2) mc-full - replace input with white gaussian noise (3) mc-z - do not actually do analysis, just assume the output

nsim - number of simulation iterations to run (see below) thresh - threshold, specified as -log10(pvalue) to use for clustering csdbasename - base name of the file to store the CSD data in. Each

  • contrast will get its own file (created by appending the contrast name to the base name). A '.csd' is appended to each file name.

Multiple simulations can be run in parallel by specifying different csdbasenames. Then pass the multiple CSD files to mri_surfcluster and mri_volcluster. The Full CSD file is written on each iteration, which means that the CSD file will be valid if the simulation is aborted or crashes.

In the cases where the design matrix is a single columns of ones (ie, one-sample group mean), it makes no sense to permute the rows of the design matrix. mri_glmfit automatically checks for this case. If found, the design matrix is rebuilt on each permutation with randomly selected +1 and -1s. Same as the -1 option to FSLs randomise.

--sim-sign sign

sign is either abs (default), pos, or neg. pos/neg tell mri_glmfit to perform a one-tailed test. In this case, the contrast matrix can only have one row.


Example 1

command foo -i f -o out


Example 2

command foo -i f -o out -f fvalue




See Also

mris_preproc, othercommand2


FreeSurfer, FsFast

Methods Description




Reporting Bugs

Report bugs to <analysis-bugs@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>



mri_glmfit (last edited 2020-11-11 12:30:18 by DougGreve)