FSLView is able to load in FEAT output, and plot as timeseries the data versus the fitted model (and partial model fits), and also show the cluster tables produced by FEAT. Start by loading a 4D functional data set - for example, open filtered_func_data from a something.feat FEAT output directory.
The displayed volume can be changed with the Volume
SpinBox on the Cursor
Toolbar. The functional data can also be animated by pressing
the Movie button . This
automatically increments the Volume SpinBox and has the effect
of showing all the volumes sequentially and looping back to the first
volume when all volumes have been shown.
You probably also want to load in thresholded zstat images as colour overlays - for example, press File -> Add and select thresh_zstat1 to load in.
To view timeseries plots of the FMRI data, select the 4D image (e.g., filtered_func_data) in the Image List and select View -> Timeseries. Note that FSLView will probably have already opened this for you, if you started by loading in "filtered_func_data".
A graph will be opened that shows the timeseries plot of the currently selected voxel. Clicking on the image with the left mouse button will update the plot with the timeseries of the new cursor position.
To see the fitted model timeseries, click on the No model menu button, and select Full model only to view the full fitted model. To see the partial fit relating to a single EV in the model, click on the relevant PE menu option. To see the partial fit relating to a contrast, select the appropriate COPE option.
If you click on the -μ button the data will get demeaned for plotting, and now if you press the % button, you can view the timeseries scaled as % signal change.
You can also view the activation cluster tables produced by FEAT. Press View -> Cluster Browser and you can then select which zstatistic cluster table to view. If you click on a row in the table, the cursor in the image viewer will jump to the position of the maximum zstat value in that cluster.