To implement before the upcoming release of freeview:

  1. When in Recon edit mode, do not allow the drawing of voxels over already existing voxels that fall in the range of 5-250.
  2. Link the surfaces together (i.e. when you click on a vertex in the inflated surface, it should go to that vertex on the white and pial) & show identical vertex information in the Mouse/Cursor information panel

  3. Assign the ability to change slices to the up and down arrow keys and change the Page Up and Page Down keys to panning


  1. When load an overlay with a specified threshold from the commandline, clicking on the 3D surface changes the threshold back to the default
  2. If the aparc.annot is loaded on the ?h.inflated, when you load a .label file, you cannot turn it off
  3. When you enter in values for Mid point, it doesn't always change the display (hitting enter doesn't seem to do anything)
  4. When you click on a

Keyboard shortcuts to implement

  1. Ctrl+f to turn on and off all surfaces currently loaded
  2. Recon edit button
  3. ROI edit button
  4. Point set edit button
  5. Lock & unlock a file

  6. Ctrl+y redo an action

High priority

  1. when loading ?h.inflated, specify default offsets 45 for rh and -45 for lh

Medium priority

Low priority

  1. By default, turn off the 3D frames and slices
  2. Add the ability to use a long cursor in 3D
  3. When loading a ?h.curv file, make the default 'threshold' instead of 'binary'
  4. When loading a .label file, the browse window should go to the label directory by default if it exists (otherwise, stay in the current directory)
  5. When loading an overlay, go to the browse files window by default & have it look for 'All files' as default

Priority to be determined

  1. Display talairach and MNI305 coords in the Mouse/Cursor information panel
  2. Create script to allow freeview to recognize the recon directory structure. Ideal command line would be:

    • freeview bert -v brainmask wm T1 -surfs -aseg -cp
    • which would load the volumes brainmask.mgz, wm.mgz, T1.mgz; load all the surfaces (?h.white, ?h.pial, ?h.inflated); load the aseg.mgz with the FreeSurferColorLUT chosen; and load the control.dat file, if any, saved in the tmp dir.
  3. When load inflated surface, don't show surface lines in 2D view
  4. When load inflated surafce, it shoudln't be viewable at the same time as pial & white surfaces in the 3D view

  5. When clicking on a point on the 2D surface, automatically move the cursor in the 3D view to the closest point on the surface to that point in the volume