The Qcache recon-all flag completes the following:

  1. resample data onto the average subject (called fsaverage)
  2. smooth it at a range of FWHM (full-width/half-max) values, usually 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25mm.

This flag is intended to speed up later processing and allow for rapid analysis of group data.


Produce the pre-cached files required by the Qdec utility, allowing rapid analysis of group data. These files are created by running mris_preproc, which creates smoothed surface data files sampled to the 'fsaverage' common-space surface. By default, the surface data for thickness, curv, sulc, area and jacobian_white are smoothed at 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 mm FWHM. If just one set of surface data needs to be processed, then the option -measure <surfmeas> can follow -qcache, where <surfmeas> is one of: thickness, curv, sulc, area, jacobian_white or any surface measure. Multiple instances of -measure <meas> is supported. The -measuredir option allows specifying a directory other than the default of surf. Another option is -fwhm <num> where <num> is a value in mm. Also, -target <name> allows specifying a common-space target other than fsaverage (the default). qcache is also a target for make, eg. recon-all -make qcache. See also: