AnatomiCuts is an unsupervised hierarchical clustering that uses an anatomical similarity metric.

Inputs: - streamllines file (*.trk) - a segmentation image, prpeferable including cortical and subcortical parcellation with white matter segmentation based on neighboring regions (wmparc.mgz or wm2009parc.mgz).

It is important that both files are in the same space. To validate this you can open the streamline file and the segmentation using both Freeview and Trackvis, since Freeview does not take into account RAS orientation, and Trackvis does not take into account the image offset.

Filtering streamlines:



AnatomiCuts: Hierarchical clustering of tractography streamlines based on anatomical similarity. Siless V., Chang K., Fischl B., Yendiki A.. NeuroImage 2018.