Assemble the Data (isxconcat-sess)
The first step in the group analysis is to "assemble" the data. This means creating a single 4D file with where the 4th "time" dimension is actual all the subjects concatenated together in a common space.
To run the volume-based concatenation, run the command below. This program resamples a group of FS-FAST first-level analyses into a common space and concatenates all the sessions together into one multi-frame file suitable for use with mri_glmfit.
isxconcat-sess -sf <sessid> -analysis <analysis name> -c <contrast name> -o <output dir>
In the output directory, you will see a series of files that start with "tal":
- tal.meanfunc.nii is a stack where each "time point" is the mean functional image of each subject sampled in the MNI305 space.
- tal.masks.nii are the binary masks for all the subjects
- tal.fsnr.nii are the functional SNR maps from each subject.
- tal.mask.nii is a single binary mask made from the intersection of the individuals.
- ffxdof.dat is the fixed-effects DOF across all subjects.
- sessid.txt is the list of sessions, the corresponding freesurfer subject name, and the DOF contributed by each subject.
In the new contrast name folder, you will see:
- tal.ces.nii - the contrast maps for each of the subjects
- tal.cesvar.nii are the variance of the contrast for each subject (i.e., the square of the standard error). This variance is needed for fixed-effects and weighted random-effects analysis.