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- mkdir MYSTUDY (this will be referred to as your 'Study Directory') cd MYSTUDY/
Next, you would specify which subjects you want to process in your study. In this tutorial, you will only process Bert, but the standard stream processes all the subjects in your study. You have to specify the list of each of your study subjects Session Directories in order for them to be processed.
Each subject's Session directory should be thought of as consisting of two parts:
a) the session parent and
b) the session identifier.
The session parent is the path to the subjects' Session directories (which should end with the name of your SESSION PARENT), and the session identifier corresponds to the subject name that you used to name a particular subject's Session, e.g.:
In Bert's Session Directory: /space/someday/users/brainmapper/bert
the session parent is: /space/someday/users/brainmapper/
and the session identifier is: bert
Bert's session parent must be entered into a textfile (sesspar). Bert's session identifier must be entered into another text file (sessid).
Doing an 'ls' to see what's in your Study Directory, then, should show this:
sessid sesspar
Your sesspar text file would contain this text:
Your sessid text file would contain this text:
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