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1. FSFAST Tutorial Data Description

The functional data were collected as part of the Functional Biomedical Research Network (fBIRN,

2. Functional Paradigm

The paradigm was designed to study the effects of emotional stimuli on the ability to recall items stored in working memory.


The above yields 5 conditions:

  1. Encode
  2. Emotional Distractor
  3. Neutral Distractor
  4. Probe following Emotional Distractor
  5. Probe following Neutral Distractor

The scrambled image will be modeled as a baseline, not as a condition.

3. Functional Data

4. Anatomical Data

5. Getting the Data (not necessary for FreeSurfer April 2011 Course)

You can get the analyzed functional data (10G) from:


You can get the structural data (5G) from:


6. Organizing the Tutorial (not necessary for FreeSurfer April 2011 Course)

cd to a place on your network where you have enough space to unpack the tutorial data.

cd /place/with/space

Untar the data

tar xvfz fsfast-tutorial.tar.gz
tar xvfz fsfast-tutorial.subjects.tar.gz

You will need to set the TUTORIAL_DATA environment variable. In tcsh or csh

setenv TUTORIAL_DATA /place/with/space 

You will also need to link the FreeSurfer anatomical subjeccts (data in fsfast-tutorial.subjects) into your $SUBJECTS_DIR.