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Create an FSGD file

Given the following study variables in a spreadsheet, compose an FSGD file with the appropriate variables in order to specify a design matrix that can be used to examine the relationship between a subject's age and cortical thickness. To do this, open the text editor of your choice and add individual tags by following the general example and rules prescribed in the previous page (and provided again below for convenience). In general, it's a good idea to name the file something intuitive, such as my_gender_age_fsgd.txt. To create your FSGD file you first need to change to the directory you'd like to create the file in:

cd $FREESURFER_HOME/subjects/buckner_data/tutorial_subjs/group_analysis_tutorial/stats


  As previously shown, an example of a legal file:
  ------------------------- cut here ------------------
  GroupDescriptorFile 1
  Title MyTitle
  Class Class1 plus blue
  CLASS Class2 circle green
  Variables             Age  Weight   IQ
  Input subjid1 Class1   10    100   1000
  Input subjid2 Class2   20    200   2000
  #Input subjid3 Class2   20    200   2000
  DefaultVariable Age
  ------------------------- cut here ------------------


General Rules:

Upon completion, save the FSGD file, which can be viewed in the xterm by typing:

cat my_gender_age_fsgd.txt

in the directory where it has been saved.

A correct FSGD file is presented [wiki:FsTutorial/CorrectFsgdFile here] for comparison. It is needed for a later exercise, so create it now if you have not already done so.