trac-all Index


trac-all : Performs reconstruction of white matter pathways using an atlas of underlying anatomy



-[Directive] -c <Configuration File> (Using Configuration File to set analysis options)

For NMR-Center-Users Only


-[Directive] -subject subjectname -i dicomfile

For Non-MGH Acquisitions - Please supply the bvals and bvecs in the Configuration File. To see the format of the bvals and bvecs accepted by trac-all, refer to this page


Required Arguments

-s subjid

the subject data upon which to operate (If not specified in the Configuration File)

-i DWI file

the full path of the raw Diffusion weighted MR images


one or more directives (see next)

Optional Arguments

-c dmrirc

Configuration File to set analysis options

Here is how you set up a Configuration File to run Tracula

Clustered Workflow Directives


(Preprocessing) Process steps 1.1 -1.6 (see below)


(Bedpost) Process step 2


(Pathway Reconstruction/Tractography) Process step 3

Processing Stages/Stepwise Directives

(Detailed Explanation for each of these steps is given below) 1.1 Image corrections - Eddy current correction with eddy_correct, B0 field map correction with epidewarp.fsl


to do this step (Default)


to skip this step

This step performs the following sub-steps:

trac-all -<no>corr -c dmrirc

1.2 Intra-Subject Registration - Diffusion-to-T1 registration with flirt and/or bbregister.


to do this step (Default)


to skip this step

This step performs the following sub-steps:

trac-all -<no>intra -c dmrirc

1.3 Inter-Subject Registration - T1-to-template registration using MNI and/or CVS templates.


to do this step (Default)


to skip this step

This step performs the following sub-steps: (You can register to either MNI template or CVS template or both. This option can be set in the configuration file) For MNI template

For CVS template

trac-all -<no>inter -c dmrirc

1.4 White-matter, cortical and whole-brain masks - Generate masks of the white matter and cortex from FreeSurfer outputs, whole-brain masks from T1 and DWIs.


to do this step (Default)


to skip this step

trac-all -<no>masks -c dmrirc

1.5 Tensor fit - Tensor model fitting on DWIs.


to do this step (Default)


to skip this step

This step performs the following sub-steps:

trac-all -<no>tensor -c dmrirc

1.6 Pathway priors from atlas to T1 - Combine training data and subject's own data to generate pathway priors.


to do this step (Default)


to skip this step

trac-all -<no>prior -c dmrirc

2. Stick and ball model fitting with bedpost (Cluster highly recommended for this step)

trac-all -bedp -c dmrirc

3. Pathway reconstruction - Perform tractography for a single subject

trac-all -path -c dmrirc

Status and Log files (Optional)

-log file

default is $SUBJECTS_DIR/<your_subjectid>/scripts/trac-all.log

-cmd file

default is $SUBJECTS_DIR/<your_subjectid>/scripts/trac-all.cmd


start new log and status files instead of appending

Other Arguments (Optional)


do not check whether dubjects are currently being processed

-sd subjectsdir

specify subjects dir

-umask umask

set unix file permission mask (default 002)

-grp groupid

check that current group is alpha groupid


set coredump limit to unlimited


generate much more output


do everything but execute each command


print version of each binary and exit


print version of this script and exit


print full contents of help

Output Directories and Files

Running trac-all creates a new directory named <subjid> (if subject id is specified through the commandline) or <subjlist(i)> (if a subjectlist is specified through the configuration file, where i is index of the subject that is currently being processed)

Outputs from trac-all -corr

Note: The list below does not include outputs from B0 inhomogenity correction This creates three directories under the <subjid> directory (i) dlabel/diff (ii) dmri (iii) scripts

Outputs from trac-all -intra

Note: <regtype>: flt (FLIRT) / bbr (BBREGISTER) This step creates a folder <subjid>/dmri/xfms

Outputs from trac-all -inter

The following outputs get created if registering to an MNI template.

The following outputs get created if registering to CVS template. This step creates a symbolic link <subjid>/dmri/xfms/cvs to the folder $SUBJECTS_DIR/cvs where the freesurfer recons are present. It also creates a folder under $SUBJECTS_DIR/cvs for each of the image used as a CVS template. We recommend using the template given with the freesurfer distribution (cvs_avg35) although you can use your own atlas.

Outputs from trac-all -masks

trac-all-full (last edited 2011-05-18 12:37:41 by PritiSrinivasan)