
Load Surface...

Loads the main surface information, including main surface configuration.

Load Surface Configuration...

Shows a submenu with commands for loading vertex configurations.

Save Surface

Saves the contents of the entire surface structure, overwriting the original file.

Save Surface As...

Saves the contents of the entire surface structure to a new file.

Load Overlay...

Loads a .w or binary volume file into an overlay layer.

Save Overlay As...

Saves an overlay layer as a new .w file.

Load Time Course...

Loads a binary volume as a TkSurferTimeCourse.


Shows a submenu with options for loading and saving.


Shows a submenu with options for loading and saving.


Shows a submenu with options for loading and saving.

Field Sign

Shows a submenu with options for loading and saving.

Field Mask

Shows a submenu with options for loading and saving.


Quits TkSurfer.

TkSurferMenus (last edited 2008-04-29 11:46:12 by localhost)