Page Editing
To edit a page click on the Edit icon (or link) at the top-right of the page, or the EditText link at the bottom of the page.
Words written in CamelCase will automatically be converted into a link.
More details are available in HelpForBeginners.
More Help
The following pages describe the elements (wiki markup) you can use to get special formatting effects:
HelpOnFormatting - general text formatting rules
HelpOnLinking - external hyperlinks and inline images (How to insert an image: WikiInsertImage.)
HelpOnHeadlines - section headings
HelpOnRules - horizontal rules
HelpOnLists - lists and indented sections
HelpOnTables - tables
HelpOnPageCreation#variablesubstitution - which variables are substituted (like @SIG@, @MAILTO@ ...)
HelpOnSmileys - how to insert a
HelpOnMacros - system macros
HelpOnProcessors - data processing scripts
HelpOnProcessingInstructions - how to influence page formatting
HelpOnXmlPages - how to store pages with XML content and process them via XSLT
HelpOnEditLocks - how to behave correctly when edit locking is activated
/SubPages - how to group together related information
To experiment with wiki markup, go to the WikiSandBox and then click on "EditText" at the bottom of the page. Use your browser's "open a new window with this link" feature on the word "WikiSandBox", so you can keep the help pages open side-by-side to the editing window.